Podcast: 5.17 Thursdahttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.y Breakfast Jam, featuring a live performance from The Mollies, plus the Salt City Derby Girls
Plenty of screw-ups this morning, including a couple of iPod malfunctions and a full-on iPod meltdown, but it was so busy and such a fun show, I didn’t have time to worry about it.

Battle Bunny and Danger Wheels Robinson, two members of the Salt City Derby Girls, were in during the 7:00 hour to discus this Saturday’s bout. The Leave it to Cleavers are taking on the Death Dealers. Should be fun.

The Mollies perform tonight, Kilby Court, 7:30
Then, during the 8:00 hour, The Mollies joined me in studio with a long list of instruments. KRCL being a volunteer organization and all, it’s tough to get a sound engineer out of bed (even for primetime programming during the morning drivetime). So, instead of setting this trio up in the sound studio, we ran it all acoustic through the vocal microphones in the on-air studio.
It was challenging, as the studio only has three mics—including mine—so I shared one with Vivian, the cellist. She used my flip-flop to steady the base of her cello and I had to suck in the gut to steer clear of hew bow while she played. Ah, professionalism!
You can check them out tonight at Kilby Court at 7:30.
Today's playlist available here.
5.17.2007 disc 01
5.17.2007 disc 02
Derby Girls track 01 (these are just the interviews and cleaned up a bit)
Derby Girls track 02
Derby Girls track 03
The Mollies live (just the live performance, also cleaned up a touch from what you'd hear on the full downloads)
Labels: KRCL, Salt City Derby Girls, The Mollies, Thursday Breakfast Jam