Maine, Oz Skier, CHU1, etc.
It's the weekend already. Almost. Thanks to a couple of post-MLK vacation days, I rocked a two-day work week.
After enjoying the Sufjan show, Jess and I got real friendly with my car's bucket seating as we drove from Brooklyn to Bethel, Maine. The plan, two days of skiing and visiting some old friends, particularly Sherb, Jamie, and Jamie's little one, Sophia.
Unfortunately, we missed the antics of Oz Skier Dave by mere hours at the very condo we were staying at -- Sherb's Carriage House Unit #1 (CHU1). Ozzy has accepted a position in Boulder, CO, with Freeskier magazine and seems to think that means he can truly make an ass of himself in each of the New England states on his way out.

Oz Skier acting very domesticated after several beers at CHU1.
Despite missing the shenanigans, a good time was had. It's a fine place, Bethel, with good people. Pictured below is one of those good persons, one of the newest. I believe the intention of this photo was to demonstrate that at 5 months, she has much more hair than I do. (Note: I am 307 months.)

I really don't even know how to explain this photo.
That is adorable. Truly.
1:51 PM
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