Podcast: No more Thursday Breakfast Jams

This be the last one.
A thousand thanks for listening and all your support. It's a pretty amazing thing that a radio hack like myself got to take the driver's seat on primetime radio, first on Friday Breakfast Jam, and for the last year and a half, on Thursday Breakfast Jam. It has been an incredible opportunity and I am so grateful for all of the people that have come into my life because of my connection to KRCL.
Starting Monday, the new programming format and schedule goes into effect. Am I sad? A bit--but not so much because I'm losing my slot; rather, it's mostly because of the shows we're losing or have already lost. I'm optimistic about what's to come, and am especially excited not to wake up at 5am any more. I also think that midweek evenings will kick ass with Kristina on Tuesdays, Emily on Wednesdays, and yours truly on Thursdays.
So, please join me next Thursday evening in my new time slot: 8 to 10:30PM. (You can DVR 30 Rock and the Office. Or just come over my place and watch 'em after 10:30.)
Enjoy. And thanks again.
Playlist available here.
Disc 01
Disc 02