Podcast: 3.22.2007 Thursday Breakfast Jam

Laura Gibson
This morning's show.
I'd have to say that my favorite part, which came after the second disc was full (and you wouldn't be able to see it anyway, since these are MP3s, not video files), was when the DJ following me shook her head at my antics of putting the studio speakers to full tilt and rocking out to Dinosaur Jr.
She shakes her head a lot.
Playlist for the show is here. Don't forget to visit the show online at myspace.com/breakfastjam. It's also worth mentioning that Laura Gibson and the Band of Annuals will be performing live tomorrow night at Slow Train Music (221 E. Broadway, SLC) tomorrow at 8pm. Be there or be square.
3.22.2007 Thursday Breakfast Jam Disc 01
3.22.2007 Thursday Breakfast Jam Disc 02
Labels: KRCL, podcast, Thursday Breakfast Jam
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