You stay classy, Yankee Stadium

Last night, standing in line to use the men's room. It's a very crowded, unorganized approach to the idea of a queue. Lots of jostling and aggressive alpha-dog-style eye contact.
Big, giant, thick-necked, tattooed fat man turns to me: "I'm gonna piss on your head. Right there on your head. And your hair will grow back. Like a Chia Pet. I'm gonna piss on your head and you're gonna grow a head full of grass."
And that was before he found out that I was a Red Sox fan.
Admit it. It makes you want to go to a Bees (nee Stingerzzzz) game.
5:54 PM
so did it work? are you sprouting?
12:17 PM
Sure did, Helen. That photo above is actually me.
Whatcha think?
12:31 PM
Totally hot.
Too bad you like the wrong team.
1:49 PM
H: Shouldn't you be rooting for the Rockies or something?
1:53 PM
Only when I visit Denver. And drink heavily.
10:58 AM
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