Spent the weekend at Henry's Lake, Idaho, near the West Yellowstone border celebrating Matty's bachelor-hood. The wedding is mere days away.
I hadn't been in that area of the country since taking a NOLS course in Wyoming's Absaroka Range four years back. It was exactly as I remembered it.
Endless blue sky, stands of lodge poles, green foothills, dark water and large birds. Between various members of our party, a couple of Bald eagles were seen, along with some herons and osprey.
Also had the opportunity to play some serious whiffle ball (my reign as a whiffle ball pitching ace continues), enjoy some terribly unhealthy food and do some fishing, or at least casting, as I didn't have a single bite over two days, unless you count a run-in with a giant leech named Larry. That's probably for the best though; it's been years since I've fished and I was secretly happy I didn't catch one.

Note the lack of tension on the rod.
The great thing about your fishing outfit is that it doubles as a "Dude, my cousin is having a kegger tonight for only $2 at the door" outfit. (And I say that with a great deal of affection both for you and for keg parties...)
3:53 PM
Not sure exactly what that means, but given that this "outfit," as you call it, was chosen for a bachelor's party weekend, I'd say I did ok.
5:30 PM
Ya did great.
9:46 AM
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