new FBJ mp3
Today's Friday Breakfast Jam, available to download below.

The Black Keys
FBJ, 7.29.2005: (right click, "save target as")
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
And, this morning's playlist.
These mp3s have been taken down to make room for more recent additions. If you absolutely need a copy of this show, contact DMo.
It is supercool that you can post these mp3s, and also superweird that I am sitting at my kitchen table in suburban New York listening to your Salt Lake City radio show. The internet may be the coolest thing ever.
8:01 PM
It may indeed be the coolest thing ever to you and I, Kathy, but that's only because we are nerds.
N E R D S.
1:27 PM
Embrace the nerddom! Embrace it!
2:28 PM
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