I'm a fighter, not a lover.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

How am I expected to keep up with DMo?

Not a day goes by without hundreds of thousands of sophisticated readers clicking their way through Finding DMo or top-level advertisers begging me for the right to display their latest widget on this very site. While I haven’t given into the latter, I want to make this a better experience for you, dear reader. For you.

“So, self-sacrificing,” you say.
“Stop it,” I say. “You’re making me blush.”

So, how have I made it easier for you? I’ve added a subscription service. It’s free and entirely reputable (via Bloglet), will not produce a spam-filled inbox and will update you when a new post has been added. It’s a pretty cool service, really. Simply sign up below. If you miss the boat, you’ll find the link either in the sidebar to the right or on the very bottom of the page.

Enter your email address below to subscribe to Finding DMo!

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Blogger Sara Z. said...

That's wicked cool. When I am famous and need to stay in touch with my thousands of fans, this is how I'll do it. Oh, yeah.

9:02 PM


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